Great story and visuals!
To see something ever so fresh as waterpaint in an age of digital lack of physical labor blows a reluctant air trough my muffled lungs. Regardless of the high quality art- and voicework, the technical aspect of your presentation was a bit lacking. So as a Flash developer i'dd like to make a few pointers and tips:
1. Use the code " mcInstance.forceSmoothing = true " where you want to load the dynamic images, or rather rightclick the imported bitmaps in the library, select "properties" and check " allow smoothing " for a much better image quality when you're displaying a scaled image resolution. Use that, or display the images at a crisp 100%, no more, no less
2. There are quite some excellent open source pageflippers available on the net, with the functionality of using the arrow keys, navigation buttons or click about anywhere on a page to flip it. That would really make it a better viewing experience.
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3. You might want to increase the size of the book to the full extend of the window, using as much of the space as possible for displaying the lovely imagery. The surrounding table didn't add anything to the experience, so you might want to keep that at a minimum
Well, there you have it. I hope this will help you in future endevors, which I eagerly await! For making my day and evening, I bid you goodnight!